Under section 14 of the Education Act, 1961 (Act 87), The Board of Governors are the highest decision making body of the school. The Board assists the Head to discharge his/her duties as under Article 9 of the constitution of the Board of Governors, but do not encroach upon the authority and responsibility of the Head.
The School is administered by an administrative staff that consists of the Headmaster, Assistant Headmasters and Senior Housemaster.
General Administration

Assistant Headmaster - Administration
At the beginning of every academic year in September, students who have passed their Basic Education Certicate Examination (BECE) from Junior High Schools are admitted into Senior High School; of which SOGASCO is not an exception.
Admisiion of first year students is by placement from Computerised School Selection Placement (CSSP) done by Ghana Education Service based on the students performance at the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).
The school placement list is mounted on a notice board.
The candidates need to locate his/her programme and serial number.
The candidate then moves to the admission office for an admission slip. This slip specifies your status as Male or Female and as Boarding or Day students and the amount to pay.
With the slip, the student then prepares a Banker's Draft on Ghana Commercial Bank Ltd (preferably) in the name of the Headmaster of the school.
The Banker's Draft is then paid to the Accounts office of the school. Receipts are then issued.
With the receipt, the student then moves to the Senior Housemaster's office and gets allocated to one of the four houses (VOLTA, DATSA, JOHN MILLER and KWAME NKRUMAH).
The student then moves back to admission office for admission letter, prospectus and other documents for Biodata.
Admission is completed.
Before arrival in the school (Your first day in SOGASCO), all necessary forms or documents should have been completely filled.
On arrival, submit all necessary documents to the admission office ( This document will be used to open personal file for the student).
The student then moves to the House Master/Mistress for registration at the house level.
From the house level, the student then moves to the school store to receive personal items (uniforms, books and others).
The student from the school store moves to the kitchen (if a boarding student) for the Matron's assignment to a particular table where he/she sits to eat.
The student comes back to the House Master/Mistress to be introduced to his /her dormitory in the house.

Guidance & Counseling Co-ordinator
Career development is a lifetime process of acquiring knowledge and experiences, and identifying one's talents and interest, and using them for the benefit of oneself and other people.
A career becomes interesting and enjoyable if it suits a person's interest. A career choice should therefore be based on a person's interest, ability and talents as much as possible. Parents and guidance should not in any way influence their field of study or to choose any career against their interest. It should be noted that somebody can do something and everybody can do something but everybody cannot do anything or everything.
God in His own wisdom understands the economic principle of division of labour and has accordingly assigned a role to every individual to perform with their talents and gifts, which will collectively result in the growth of his kingdom. The following Bible verse should therefore be our guide in choosing a career. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit.
"There are differences in ministries, but the same Lord. and there are diversities of activities, but is the same God who works in all; for to one is given the wisdom through the spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same spirit, to another faith by the same spirit, to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. 1 Cor. 12: 4 - 11"
The failure to discover one's talents, interest and purpose in career development leads to frustration and eventually failure.
Adhoc School Management Members
Sogakofe Senior High School