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Head, Physical Education & Sports 

The P. E Department of Great SOGASCO came into existence at the inception of the school in 1961. The Department caters for good health, physical fitness and skill acquisition in various games and athletics for both teachers. Great P. E personalities like Messrs Agbeko, Kukubor and Amenorhu were pioneers of the department.


The United Nations Charter on sports which states that "Every human being, irrespective of race, tribe or age has a fundamental right of access to physical education and sports which are essential for full development of his personality" makes it possible for all students of the institution to take part in some sort of physical activity.


The Department as at today can boast of two football field, three volleyball courts, a handball court, a multi-purpose basketball court and a 400 metre athletic oval. The presence of these facilities make it possible for Great SOGASCO to be used as acentre for most Zonal and Regional Sports Festives in the region. Equipments such as football boots, running shoes, balls for soccer, handball, basketball, volleyball, table tennis are always provided by the school administration with the little grant released by the Government annually. The inadequacy of these equipment makes it difficult fo the P. E. teachers to do effective practical teaching during practical class periods. Present in the sports store are also pole vault and high jump uprights without landing foams, outmoded cross-bars, shot put, javelin and discus missile. The school has no other source of funding for the purchase of this relevant equipment therefore the Government grants hardly meet our essential needs.Currently, there are three teachers in the Department, Ms. V. X Kumordzi, Mr. J. Adamah and Mr. B. Adzibolosu



Since the school's inception, the Department is able to produce a lot of sports boys and girls. Most of who are in the Security Services. Names such as Akpabli Brown, Satsi David, Asase Dora, Torgbadza Esinam, Ahiagbenu Caroline and Anipah Sefakor, all senior officers in the Forces, cannot be left out. The Department has also been providing sports boys and girls for Zonal and Regional Teams towards the National Festivals. For instance;

  • In 2001, 9 students from the school represented the region at the national level in Takoradi, 5 in Ho in 2008, 8 in Wa in 2005, 9 in Koforidua in 2007, 5 in Accra in 2009 and 2 in Tamale in 2011.

  • In 2008, the school was adjudged the best in soccer at the Regional level and therefore represented the Region in the 2009 National Milo Soccer Championship held in Kumasi.

  • The 2011 Zonal Sports Festival held at SOGASCO saw the team taking Gold medal in soccer out of the 18 participating schools after trashing Mafi-Kumasi Sec. Tech 3 -1 in the finals.

  • At the 2012 Regional Festival held in Ho, SOGASCO alone produced 20 sports boys and girls for the Mid-South Zone. At the end of the festival in Ho, names like Assem Larweh (Soccer and Volleyball) and Asigbey Vincent (Soccer and Volleyball) repreented the Region at the National level in Tamale. 

Remarks and utterances made by colleague teachers on the staff concerning students' participation in sports these days make it difficult for the Department to train more of them towards Zonal and Regional Festivals for most of them are reluctant to play active role in their sporting activities.


I wish to appeal to the schools' administration to consider giving Bursaries and Scholarships to students who excel at the higher levels in sports to serve as motivation for others. The old students and PTA, please come to our aid in terms of sporting equipment. 


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