Heads Of Departments
Department Of Languages

The Department of Languages is the third largest in terms of staff population after Pure Science and Social Science Department. Presently, there are nineteen (19) permanent teachers. The following subjects fall under the department; Core English, Core French, Elective French, Ewe and Literature-In-English.
All other things being equal, the department meets twice each term to plan and review activities. Individual and group targets are set, aimed at the long-term goal of reducing the failure rate in all subjects to single digits as the higher grades are increased. In line with the above, occasional seminars and workshops are organized to sharpen the professional and pedagogical skills of teachers in the department.
So far, the department has been able to increase in percentage pass in Core English, Elective French, Ewe and Literature-In-English over the years. For example, Core English was raised from 73% in 2005 to 95% in 2009. Two other significant successes are: First prize won by Master Felix Akaholo of GA2C (2009 / 2010) in a National Essay Competition of Child Trafficking, and Two members of Girls Making Media Club have been shortlisted for Plan Ghana Sponsorship to Ghana School of Journalism (2011 / 2012).
Urgently needed is a computer with accessories for processing of academic materials and news items.
The clubs affiliated to the department are: SOGASCO Press, Debating Club, Drama Club, French Club, SOGASCO Cultural Troupe, and Plan Ghana sponsored - Girls Making Media Club.
Mathematics Department

Mathematics has been described as the mother of all subjects and a part of life without which man cannot function. This is true because apart from being one of the oldest philosophies, mathematics finds its application in almost all disciplines. Cognizant of the important role mathematics play in overall development of an individual, its study is priority in school curricula all over the world. In Ghana, apart from Core Mathematics which is cumpulsory for all students, there is also an Elective Mathematics which is based on choice. This choice largely depends on the programme offered by students. The Mathematics Department is made up fifteen permanent staff.
The Department has been able to increase in percentage pass in both Core and Elective Mathematics. For instance, Core Mathematics was raised from 56.3% in 2008 to 72.2% in 2009. Mathematics Club was formed to alleviate the fear of students in mathematics, to enhance students' interest in the subject, to enable students to understand the applications of mathematics, and to prepare students to answer examination questions. The Department organizes seminars / workshops for members and students in the department.
Despite the successes chalked by the department, there are few problems in the department which include: Lack of instructional equipment, Lack of relevant reference textbooks, and the department is not furnished.
The Department suggests that: to enable students practice and develop interest in mathematics, some items such as calculators, mathematical sets and mathematical & statistical table should be included in the prospectus, and for effective teaching more teachers should be sponsored to attend both regional and national conferences and workshops.
The department hopes to work assiduously to record and sustain zero failure in both Core and Elective Mathematics in years to come.

Albert Einstein, a renowed physicist once said "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result". It is in this respect that we the staff of the Science Department pride ourselves in innovation and dynamism, which over the years have manifested in the students' academic performance and social interactions. The subjects taught in the department are : Integrated Science, Information And Communication Technology (ICT), Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Technical Drawing and Health, Physical Education And Recreation (HPER). This makes the department the largest in terms of staff and infrastructure.
The department is not only actively involved in training Teachers, Medical Doctors, Engineers, Surveyors, Nurses, Technician, Coaches etc., but also has created numerous platforms to incalcate in students, the sense of self-worth and leadership qualities. As part of excellent academic pursuit, field trips and educational tours have been organized for the students who passed through this department. Notable among places visited are: Volta Aluminium Company (VALCO), Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) and Aboadze Thermal Plant.
Students from the department have won several awards in quiz competitions organized by some NGOs and state institutions.
In 200/08 academic year, our students won a set of computers, books and a poly tank for being the second best in a quiz competition organized by CSIR, for second cycle schools in the country. The poly tank is currently being used as a water storage facility in the school kitchen.
Organization of workshops for basic science teachers, and co-ordinating practical sessions for the basic school who visited the SOGASCO Science Resource Center, has brought much improvement in their academic results, an achievement which cannot easily be overlooked.
Depite numerous achievement and successes chalked, the department faces a lot of challenges. Some of these include:
Inadequate classrooms.
Inadequate science laboratory equipments.
Lack of course books, thus forcing students to depend on unedited pamphlets.
Inadequate ICT facilities. Currently, there is only one (1) computer laboratory with forty (40) desktop computers for over two thousand (2,000) students.
Inadequate training facilities for HPER Unit hinders effective training sessions for students. As the saying goes "Mens sana in corpore sanum".
For better performance, the following are suggested;
Laboratory equipment, textbooks and library facilities should be provided to enhance effective teaching and learning.
Training facilities should also be provided for HPER to enhance training sessions for students.
Social Studies Department

The Department of Social Science in SOGASCO offers the following subjects:
Social Studies
Geography And
Social Scientists are the people who build society. O ye Social Scientist of our time, arise for it is time to rebuild our society. O ye Sociologists, arise and come up hither for the moral fibre of the populace is wearing away. Arise and lubricate it for a sustainable development of the human resource. Astute lawyers, the wheel of justice is grinding too slowly and in most cases, injustices are meted out to those on who justice should otherwise be bestowed. Arise and ameliorate the situation to melt the discontented and spur the dispirited. The global economic order is deteriorating at an alarming pace with its culminating brink of economic ruin and national disintegration. Arise dextrous Economists and restructure our fortunes to perpetuate the movement of inner peace. Data on spatial features such as relief, drainage and human population are indispensable for the societal progress and development. Provide ye them O Geographer. O Honourable Historian, society yearns that out of the reach of memory's concious arm, you unravel the evolutionary trends of the past, present presentations of the present and predictions for the future for assesment and realization of society's vision. Social Scientists rise up to the task.
The Department has achieved a lot. First and foremost, there is tremendous improvement in our WASSCE results over the past three (3) years. Formally, very few students qualified for the universities. Now, a lot of our students qualify for the universities and other tertiary institutions. In 2005, the best student came from the Social Science Department. In 2004, a student from the department was partnered by two others to represent the school in the National Quiz competition organized by CSIR on water. Overall, they placed second (2nd) thereby bringing laurels to the school. The department also organizes many field trips for Geography students. These help students have a feel of some of the landforms that they study about. This is very helpful.
The following are some of the challenges faced by the Social Science Departmemnt in SOGASCO.
First, is the lukewarm attitude of students towards learning. Some of the students are not ready to learn. Others also think that the subjects are easy to pass, so they do not learn thoroughly. This explains why some of them obtain low grades at the final exam.
Another problem is lack of textbooks. There are no standard and simplified textbooks for subjects offered at the Social Science Department. The students only depend on notes given them by their teachers. This is not the best.
The department has only a small office which is not well equipped. Also, the office cannot accommodate all the teachers for departmental meetings and other academic activities.
The department also lacks topographical maps, wall maps and atlases to be used for teaching and learning.
For better performance, the following are suggested;
Standard and simplified textbooks should be provided for both students and teachers for effective teaching and learning.
Topographical maps, wall maps and atlases should be provided for practical work in Geography.
A standard departmental office which is well equipped would be more appropriate.
More educational trips should be encouraged as they help students a lot.
Hence, we need support from both school administration and parents.
General Science Department
Business Department

Business Department has been one of the pivot and the eye of SOGASCO, through hardwork, determination, excellent and booming performance by both the staff of the department and business students, academically, socially, morally and spiritually.
The school introduced the business programme in 1994 / 95 academic year with two options, Secretarial and Accounting. However, the Secretarial option was scrapped off in 2007 due to obsolete nature of the typewriters. Presently, only Accounting option is being offered but categorized into two options "A" and "B".
Discipline is extremely good as both teachers and students are always at the 'beck and call' of each other. Business Department, additionally, offers character training, moral training and full commitment to duty which is the vision of GNABS (Ghana National Association of Business Students).
Great academic performance in the Business Department really project the image of SOGASCO positively to the outside world as the true "LOWER VOLTA VARSITY". University of Ghana, Legon declared the overall best student for 2008 / 2009 academic year as Master Adeklaho Emmanuel, who was a former Business student of SOGASCO. In addition, he was ordained as the youngest newly Chartered Accountant for that year.
Business Department has been one of the pivot and the eye of SOGASCO, through hardwork, determination, excellent and booming performance by both the staff of the department and business students, academically, socially, morally and spiritually.
Accountant for that year.
Good academic performance in Business Department brought about scramble for Business programme by students resulting in overcrowding in the two classes indicating the need to open a third class. I, therefore, recommend that; additional classroom be provided to decongest the classroom and hope more business textbooks be stuffed in the library.
To attain appreciable height in our academics, we encourage students to be self-disciplined, study hard, talk less, dream big; be of good behaviour and show commitment to other subjects. More grease to elbows of the abled-body and dedicated staff of the Business Department who deem it right to make the vision of the department a reality.
Agricultural Science Department

Visual Art Education seems to out lived is significance in our Ghanaian community, particularly in the senior high schools. Many look down upon Art education and see no apparent reasons why it should be offer in the school curriculum as a subject. To such people, students who are said to be below average in mathematics and science pursue art education. By reasons of all these erroneous and inexplicable perceptions they have about the subject, they give litlle encouragement to students who love to offer art in schools.
Visual Art Education brings a lot of development, beautification and self reliability. Art education aims at equipping students with skills and knowledge for lucrative job opportunities for their livelihood. "Art is life", without art life will be unbearable. Art helps to reduce rural-urban migration, give employment to the unemployed.
Art education at Sogakofe Senior High is demotivating to both teachers and students. Currently, the department has no permanent studio for practical activities but we hope to get one in the near future.
Despite all the derisive fingers been pointed at teachers and students of art in schools, Visual Arts Department at SOGASCO can boast of the magniicent statue mounted by three past students infront of the senior classroom block.
The school's cloth was designed by Mr. C. Y. Sokpah, a tutor in the department. Most students have gained admissions to tertiary institutions like Universities, Polytechnics and Nursing Training Colleges.
The department is calling on stakeholders not to forget this enviable and lucrative course.
Home Economics Department
Visual Arts Department

Home Economics Education aims at assisting students to acquire skills that they would need to be able to deal creatively with the relevant problems of a changing society to improve the quality and meaning of life.
In SOGASCO, we offer three (3) major Elective Subjects at the Home Economic Department which include:
Management-In-Living: which looks at the demands such as values, events and resources that motivate resource utilization.
Food And Nutrition: which encourages the creative use of local foods and associated food service to meet the nutritional needs and other demand of consumers.
Clothing And Textiles: aims at training students to acquire knowledge and skills in clothing selection, use, care and production.
The Home Economics Department performed enviably over the past three (3) years scoring 100% in all the three (3) Elective subjects.
The Food And Nutrition Laboratory which was initially meant to accommodate six (6) students is now serving forty (40) students. This is woefully inadequate. The sinks are not functioning and water does not flow in any of the pipes.
The Home Economics Department would want to appeal to individuals and co-operate organizations and institutions to assist in providing;
A big and well equipped laboratory.
An overhead tank (POLY TANK) to be erected for the Food And Nutrition Laboratory.
We hope the Old Boys and Girls (SOSANS) and all well wishers will help solve these problems.
Sogakofe Senior High School